Q: “Ever since I hit puberty my breasts have been excessively large even though I’m super skinny. It’s so embarrassing that I wear sweatshirts to hide them. Plus, the weight of my breasts is killing my shoulders and neck. I’m in my early twenties and am devastated by the idea of living like this the rest of my life. Am I too young for breast reduction?”
Ellen: You would be surprised by the number of young women that have similar complaints as yourself. Getting your breasts down to a manageable proportionate size will benefit you in so many ways! Not only will the embarrassment issue disappear but you’ll also have so many more clothing choices and so many less aches and pains. A breast reduction is a safe procedure that can totally change how you look and how you feel. Large breasts can disguise your frame and make you look frumpy. I always tell my young patients that because of the many years of life ahead including pregnancy, nursing and aging-- you may need an additional procedure in the future.
Q: “I used to have breasts ANY woman would be envious of… they were full and perky! But since having kids and breast feeding, my breasts sit lower than ever and my nipples are pointing down. I think I may need a breast lift but: what about the scars?? They scare me.”
Ellen: It sounds like you’re an ideal candidate for a mastopexy (breast lift)! This procedure is best for women who like their amount of breast volume but are fed up with the “ptosis” (fancy word for sagging). A breast lift will get your breasts back up where they belong and contour them into a youthful attractive shape. As far as scarring goes, there are various types of incisions based on the size of your breasts. The good news is that they heal very well and usually blend in to the color of your skin. I can’t think of any woman who has had these procedures who finds the scars to be a problem. In fact, what I hear is that they look better than expected and are a very reasonable tradeoff for getting back shape.
Q: “Does breast surgery require an overnight stay in the hospital? What about the pain?"
Ellen: No, these days the breast reduction is an “out patient” procedure and you’d be home the same day. The only reason to stay overnight would be if there are other medical reasons to justify that level of care. My ladies are continually impressed at how “WELL” they feel after surgery- between the reduction in breast weight and pre-surgery discomfort- it seems to be a home run! The majority are comfortable with Tylenol or Advil/Aleve for a few days. Plus, everyone is happy to go home in a cute little sport’s bra and that, in addition to showering, spell R-E-L-I-E-F for sure!