Ellen: The “Gold Standard” for liposuction remains the Tumescent Technique which is still the most successful and efficient for great results in body contouring. Let’s face it, as much as we all would like to believe that “non-surgical” procedures are better, that’s not always the case. The priorities of safety, efficiency and excellent results, for multiple body areas, are still best achieved with a surgical approach. Think about it…optimal treatment of the above areas requires repositioning, precision, an accurate record of the volumes removed and continuous “touch” to the area to assess the shape and thickness of the tissue. Plus, most non-surgical techniques require multiple treatments with multiple payments…do the math. Nothing beats the real thing!
Q:“I’m 5’3” and 115 lbs but have these 2 saddle bags on my outer thighs that drive me nutz! I know I’m small but these saddle bags really show in my pants and especially at the beach. Do you do liposuction on lean people too?”
Ellen: Believe it or not, you’re the perfect candidate! Liposuction is best suited to small areas of disproportionate fat collections. Like the outer thighs and love handles. Evening out the “silhouette” is the ideal purpose!
Q: “I’m a 45 year old guy, ex-football player and have had it with this middle age fat that has accumulated in my chest. I refuse to take off my T-shirt at the beach. Is liposuction an option for me?”
>Ellen: Sure. I see quite a few men, especially as Spring and Summer get closer, who are bothered by the very same thing…you are so not alone! Most of the time, liposuction will do a great job of restoring your chest shape with next to no down time. From time to time, incisions are needed but come on in and let’s sort this out to learn what suits your specific situation.. This is a great time of year to get started!
Q:“Can I have liposuction on the same area again?”
Ellen: Yes but consider this: if you’ve accumulated an increase in volume in an area previously treated, you have likely gained a considerable amount of weight. Your best result will be through the old fashioned way, with diet and exercise. Remember, the body heals by creating collagen and scar tissue. In the area that already had liposuction, there is a fibrous net work of scar tissue that will interfere with the ability to remove the fat. And, the risk of contour irregularity is much higher the second time around.