Case #2999
Breast Augmentation and Lift
This 42 year-old mother of two, came to meet with Dr. Mahony with complaints of volume loss and skin laxity of her breasts. She had been longing for perky breasts for many years. To achieve her desired results, both her and Dr. Mahony decided that a breast lift and breast augmentation would give her exactly what she had been yearning for.
During the procedure Dr. Mahony placed 230cc saline implants submuscular through the inframammary fold incision in addition to a breast lift using the Wise pattern.
Prior to surgery this patient was a sagging 34B cup, she is now a very happy 34D cup!
For more information on how a breast lift and augmentation might benefit you, click here to make an appointment or call 203-221-0102
Surgeon: Dr. Ellen Mahony
Patient Age: 42
Patient Gender: Female
Implant Contents: Saline Implants