Case #4883
Lip Augmentation
One of the things that really reveals our age is the appearance of our lips over time. By our early to mid 40’s, there is resorption of the soft tissue (fatty tissue) in our lips, the bone of the upper and lower jaw also thins and the years of environmental damage contribute to the brittle texture of the skin. Also, the action of the muscle leaves a multitude of vertical lines around the lips. The end result just isn’t attractive at all… the lips are thin, retrusive and covered by wrinkled stiff skin.
The fix for this 3 dimensional problem is a 3 tiered approach. Small amounts of Botox will relax the muscle and reduce some of the lines related to animation. Dermabrasion and a chemical peel will exfoliate the skin and soften the surface. Adding a filler will restore volume, projection and shape to the lip.
This 55 yo woman learned about this approach for lip augmentation/rejuvenation at her consultation with Dr. Mahony. She couldn’t get over what a difference this made to her overall appearance!
For more information on how a Lip Augmentation might benefit you, give us a call at 203-221-0102!