Case #8982
Corrective Breast Surgery
18yo F, 5’7″, 127lbs
Procedure: Release of fibrous breast bands, Reduction of left areola complex,
Breast Augmentation with Saline Implants
Implants: Mentor Moderate Plus Saline 200-250cc
Right: 250cc Left: 200cc
Preop Bra: Right Breast 34A, Left Breast 34B à Postop Bra: 34C
This young woman felt extremely self-conscious about her asymmetrical and tubular shaped breasts. Constricted breast shapes occur because the breast tissue does not “relax” during development to accommodate the growing tissue. This can cause a tube or bullet-like shape.
To get the look the patient wanted, Dr. Mahony released the tight fibrous bands, reshaped the left areola, and added modestly sized saline implants to improve her symmetry.
An advantage of saline implants when considering asymmetric breasts is that you can adjust the implant volume 1ml at a time! This attention to detail and thoroughness is essential for any corrective breast surgical procedure.
Contact Us at 203-221-0102 today for your breast surgery consultation!