Case #9144
Abdominoplasty with Umbilical/Belly Button Float, Diastasis Rectus Repair
31yoF, G1P2, 5’5, 130lbs
Before Pant Size: 4 After Pant Size: 2-4
This young, vibrant mother could not regain her core strength after having 7lb twins. The large gap in her abdominal muscles, also known as diastasis recti, left her feeling insecure and self-conscious. She did not have a lot of extra skin or tissue to remove, so the best option for her was to do an umbilical float/belly button float abdominoplasty. In this type of tummy tuck, her own belly button is moved to a lower position instead of creating a new one! Within the very first week after surgery, this patient felt stronger and noticed an improvement in her posture. At three months postop, she felt like she had reclaimed her prebaby body! Beauty and strength from the inside and out!
Contact Us at 203-221-0102 to schedule your consultation for tummy tuck and diastasis recti repair!