The Ideal Implant: A Game Changer for Breast Augmentation!

131 Kings Highway North
Westport, Connecticut, 06880

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9AM – 5PM
Tues, Thurs: 9AM – 6PM



The Ideal Implant:  a Game Changer for Breast Augmentation!

by Ellen Mahony

Finally….the “ideal” breast implant is here!  I’ve been waiting a long time for these to appear and am delighted to introduce them to Fairfield County and Connecticut.   Get in line ladies, these are going to be a true game changer! Read all about why I LOVE these IDEAL implants on our procedures page here. We'll be sure to post pictures of our IDEAL success stories as we get them but in the meantime feel free to schedule a consultation with me so you can feel the difference in these for yourself!

I’ve had saline breast implants for 13 years and have nothing but good things to say about them. They add proportion to my figure, the fill volume is moderate so they are neither too firm nor too soft. I’ve always had peace of mind because if /or when they leak…I’ll know it just by looking in the mirror. That was a game changer for me and I share that differentiating feature with every woman interested in BA surgery in an unbiased manner. Not to mention, they’ve survived 13 years of mammograms! My saline implants are under the muscle and my IMF scar is a challenge to find. No complaints from this woman.

The story of my saline implants…

Do I have a little rippling? Sure, after 13 years of relentless aging, my body tissue is a little thinner and the implant is a little more superficial. The shell of my current implant is a little stiffer than current “models” and that contributes a bit, but only I would know the difference. So, when it comes to discussing BA surgery in the office, I’ve been on every side of the OR table and am confident that I can offer an unbiased opinion- I’m a woman, I’m an advocate for women, I’m a consumer and I’m a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. I like breast implants and have made it my business to understand the differences between them.

At work…

With that said, it’s not surprising that every week I’m asked … “Ellen, if you have a leak, what will you decide for replacement??” Truth be told, I’ve dodged that bullet for all of these years because I really didn’t know what I would do. In a way, I’ve been waiting for a better choice—something that acts like gel but is made of saline. I’ve always procrastinated; stuck on issues like the “feel,” leak detection AND the MRI cost/$$. And let’s face, it the cost of implants has not come down either. If I go with gel, I’ll be paying at least twice the price of saline. The newer gels are, and will be, high priced as well. Not having to make the choice all these years was too good to be true.

Enter Robert Hamas, MD…

In comes Robert Hamas, MD: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, also perplexed by the conundrum (saline v gel) and the limited choices available to women. Pondering for over 11 years the obvious questions: Why do women have to choose?? Why can’t women get everything in one implant?? How to combine the best attributes of reduced capsular contracture rates and low leak rate?? Something had to give, and Bob was on this like a bee to honey. Due to his diligence and perseverance, we now have a better choice, enter the IDEAL implant!

Why is the IDEAL Implant “ideal”… my big 12 differentiators plus one

Be sure to PRINT this blog entry because these ideal characteristics are certainly worth remembering. Here’s the skinny on IDEAL:

  1. I can detect a leak at home in front of my mirror.
  2. If I have a leak, I will not lose 100% of the saline because the saline is placed into 2 chambers. This is great news because if I do have a leak, I won’t have to panic because I’ll still have shape/volume and can wear my bra. Thoughts of having to get my replacement “tomorrow” no longer hold me hostage. I can comfortably make a plan that fits with my hectic schedule.
  3. I will not have the cost of an MRI for “leak free” peace of mind (POM), because that POM is included in the purchase of my IDEAL implants at the time of my initial surgery.
  4. Speaking of POM, my IDEAL Implants come with a LIFE TIME replacement warranty.
  5. The IDEAL Implant performance track record demonstrates less capsular contracture and spontaneous leaks than all competitors!
  6. Mammograms can be performed with the same safety record as current implants.
  7. Did I mention the “feel” and rippling concerns? Spot on as for gel! I couldn’t tell the difference between gel and IDEAL!
  8. How about the situation when the breasts differ in volume/size? With IDEAL I can adjust the fill volume on each side to maximize symmetry!
  9. Only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons have the privilege of offering IDEAL Implants to their ladies. This provides additional POM ladies… recognize that only the best trained and most reputable/credentialed surgeons in this country will be providing to you the quality aesthetic care/surgery appropriate to such an inspired device.
  10. Although this brilliant product is going to change the landscape of aesthetic breast surgery for years to come, it is being offered to you at a completely reasonable price: $750 per implant. Just a smidge more than saline and quite a bit less than gel. When has a new medical device ever come onto the market at a better price…Never. Thank Dr. Hamas for his dedication to making a difference, as opposed to making a fortune.
  11. One implant style can offer to you two different profiles
  12. The IDEAL Implant is available at my office today! Come and feel the difference!

Plus one…I finally have the answer to the question I am asked every week! I’ll go with IDEAL…It’s great to have an “ideal” option!


131 Kings Highway North, Westport, Connecticut, 06880


*Individual Results May Vary
Copyright 2019 Ellen A. Mahony, MD, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ellen Mahony specializes in breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction, face lift and eyelid surgery. Her office is located in Westport and serves Fairfield, Bridgeport, Norwalk, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Shelton, Darien, Redding and Monroe.

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