For all of these reasons, and more, I find it helpful to focus on the ways in which we can nourish and replenish ourselves during December. Focusing on feeding our mind, body and spirit makes preparation for renewal in the new year – whatever that means for you – so much easier. I find it helpful to have a clear plan for what I want to focus on in December. Read mine (it’s simple!):
1. Gratitude. It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the season of buying and indulgence. I find waking up and focusing first on what I’m grateful for makes me happy and reminds me what’s important. Believe it or not, I actually keep a pocket size book with me all the time and write down three things each morning before the “crazy day” begins. It’s a life saver and keeps me grounded when I sense the fraying of loose ends is about to begin.
2. Simplify. I spend some time each weekend in December organizing and paring down what I don’t need – clothes, knick knacks, etc. I donate what I can and throw away the rest. Decluttering my space helps to declutter my mind. I feel best when I can see what’s in my closet as well as the surface of every counter. I do the same thing at work- change up all the files for the New Year and agonizing as it is…try to clean up our office computer. The whole process makes me feel lighter, like an albatross is finally off my back. And don’t hesitate to get a dumpster- you’ll be amazed at the true bliss THAT inspires!
3. 80/20 rule. It’s impossible to make every workout and follow strict eating plans during the holidays – and why should we? Life is meant for enjoying the parties, friends, family and some bubbly if you like it. I eat clean, simple foods most days and save my more indulgent meals for the fun parties and celebrations. I still stick to the Body Building diet I learned about over the last 2 years when competing- more protein than ever before to maintain and build muscle mass. It’s not hard and makes middle aging much easier.
So there it is – my plan for December. I hope you got something out of it and are excited to create your plan for the last month of the year.
And if you’re thinking about a procedure to enhance your look in 2017, here is a great planning resource from the American Society of Plastic Surgery:
As always, I’m here to answer any of your questions. Email me at or call 203-221-0102 and book a consultation if you already know what you’re thinking about!