I’m finding it hard to believe that summer is coming to a close! This summer season started slowly, with cool air and it feels the same today. While I will miss the longer days and bright light of summer, those of you that read my blog regularly know that I also really appreciate the change of seasons we get in Fairfield County. The shorter days and cooler weather are my signal to start to review the accomplishments I’ve made in the year and to make some new goals for finishing 2019 strong. Here’s my “prescription” for facing Fall like a champ!
Food and Fitness
Summers are for vacation, beach days, and barbeques with friends. I love socializing, cooking and celebrating but this is the time of year I start to tamp down on the “extras” that can add pounds and diminish my energy. What does that look like? Sometimes I’ll follow a vegetarian diet during the week and simply add in a well-sourced protein on the weekend for a dinner or two (grass-fed beef or wild caught salmon are excellent). I like to eat seasonally, so taking a trip to the Westport Farmer’s Market (Thursdays, 10-2) to see what’s available is always a good way to align my body with the changing season and eat well! Oh, and more water, fewer cocktails is a good way to make sure I stay focused and energized for my long workdays.
Declutter to Destress
I like to spend a quiet fall weekend when I have no plans to go through my home file cabinets, kitchen cupboards and closet to purge papers I don’t need, food that’s expired or I know I won’t eat and clothing that’s past its prime or my style preference. I donate what I can to the local Goodwill or a local food bank. Starting the Fall season out a little more streamlined in my home feels really great…and frees up a little space for a new warm sweater (or two!)
Perhaps it’s the back-to-school memories that flood back to me each Fall, but it feels like a good time for me to think about what new skills, innovations or products I can bring into my practice for my patients. The aesthetics industry – in particular the regenerative aesthetics field – is always innovating and I get excited learning about what’s next. I recently attended the San Diego ARTS (Academy of Regenerative Therapies) conference in San Diego to learn how my fellow practitioners are using the regenerative properties of adipose (fatty) tissue, platelet rich plasma and bone marrow to heal, restore and beautify the body. What plans can you make this Fall, no matter what your age, employment status or industry of interest, to add to your knowledge and skillset? There’s so much evidence that keeping your brain sharp and engaged is one of the keys to healthy aging!
Face Forward
Now for the fun part – where my personal approach to the Fall season intersects with my practice! I have a lot of patients come to me at this time of year to talk about their skincare woes – a consequence of many hours spent outside: gardening in the bright sun or lounging by a pool, beach or lake. Those rays feel good when they’re warming your body, but they can wreak havoc on every part of your skin. Clean it all up with our Slough off the Summer skincare special [LINK TO SPECIAL PAGE] this month. The special includes microdermabrasion followed by a light peel – all at $100 off! This is also a great time of year to plan for any major procedure that you’ve been thinking about, particularly liposuction, mommy makeover or breast augmentation! Your body will be under wraps a bit more as we move into the cooler season, giving you time to recover and be ready to UNVEIL the new you by Spring 2020!